D - 4 Disassembling the radio
09/01 IPN: M5000-00-102
Disassembling the radio
Removing the front panel from the
Unscrew the antenna and detach the battery pack.
The channel selector and on/off/volume
control knobs need to removed before separat-
ing the front panel and the chassis.
To remove the knobs, insert a side cutter at the
base of each knob, flat side down (Figure D-2),
making sure not to damage the knob label and
the switch shaft. Squeeze lightly; the knobs
should pop off. Discard the knobs.
Some earlier Tait Orca 5000 handportables
have the knobs glued on. If so, the knob’s
metal insert will remain on the switch shaft.
Remove the insert using a sharp scalpel blade.
Remove the two chassis screws at the base of
the radio (Figure D-1), then reattach the
battery and hold the base of the radio in one
hand. With the other hand, pull the chassis
from the front panel using the base of the
battery as leverage (Figure D-3).
At this point you can replace the following:
the front panel assembly;
the PTT keypad (PTT key and function keys);
the speaker;
the lens;
the keypad; and
the volume plate and volume keypad.
Figure D-1: Removing the chassis screws
Note that you should not attempt to remove
the PTT keypad before removing the front
panel from the chassis. See “Replacing the PTT
keypad” on page D-8 for more information.
Figure D-2: Removing the knobs
front panel
chassis screws
channel selector
on/off/volume control
knob label
insert side cutters here