Active Balance - Cool Blue Balancer
Start Using Tahmazo T6B Max Balancer
A. Using T6B as a standalone balancer
Switch T6B Max to ‘Master’ mode. Then connect the
battery pack with the proper harness to the balancer.
(The balancer will check the lithium cell status for a few
seconds). The Status LED will be lighted (‘ON’) when the
balancer starts to balance the cells
Cells are balanced
Cells are not balanced
The balancer
will flash the cell
count (5 times) and
then powers off.
The LEDs will start flashing
rapidly to indicate that
the cells in the pack are
not equal. The balancer will
start to equalize the lithium
pack until the pack is
balanced within 0.005V.
B. Using T6B Max with a charger
• Connect the T6B Max Balancer’s 4mm charger
connectors to the charger.
• Set the proper voltage and current on the charger
according to the battery pack’s specifications.
• Switch T6B Max to the ‘Master’ mode.
Then connect the battery pack with the proper
harness to the balancer. (The balancer will check
the lithium cell status for a few seconds). Then the
Status LED will be lighted (‘ON’) when the balancer
starts to balance the cells.
• Press the MODE button once and the status LED
will flash to indicate that the Connection Mode
is now activated. (In connection mode, T6B Max
Balancer is connected to the charger while the
battery pack is connected to T6B Max Balancer).
• Start the charger.
• Once the charging process is completed,
press the MODE button once and disconnect
the balanced lithium pack.
C. Using T6B with a discharger
• Connect the T6B Max Balancer to the charger
using the 4mm gold input connectors.
• Set the proper voltage and current on the
discharger according to the battery pack.