A Ground Breaking Company Since 1923
Understanding Calibration
Calibration ensures the correct amount of seed or fertilizer is dispersed onto an area of seed
The controller has been programmed to know the sowing width of the drill, the number of
wheel counts per 100m, and can bed speed up or slowed down according ground speed.
To accurately measure by weight of the seed that is to be sown can be achieved by following
the instructions on page 2 of the Controller Manual. It is important that this is accurate, the
weighing scales that are provided should be used, these measures are in 1 gram increments.
Please note: The hopper must be primed before being calibrated, making sure that no
bridging occurs.
Go to the RC300L Controller ver2.5x Operators manual and follow the instructions
Drilling Speed
Taege drills have the ability to travel at faster average speeds achieving better tilth, average
recommended speeds are from 8Kph to 12Kph.
Ground conditions play an important part in achieving this optimum speed. It is important to
inspect your seed placement when determining optimum drilling speed.
Setting the Sowing Depth
Your TAEGE drill is fitted with HD Flexible “S” tynes which contact the ground at a
specific pre-set angle which gives greater contour following and penetration.
To check the sowing depth, it is recommended that you travel at your optimum drilling
speed, and then check to make sure that seed placement is correct.
To set the depth, adjust both the ground wheels by choosing the correct position on
each side of the drill. Re-adjust the level of the drill using the tractors top link.