The circulating pumps are used for the transfer of liquid media
within a closed-looped hot-water heating or air-conditioning
hydronic system. They are designed as single or parallel
main/standby operation variable-speed pumps, where the speed
is regulated by an on-board electronic device. They are to be used
with a water or glycol/water mixture.
-. SAFETw:
These instructions should be studied carefully before installing or
operating the pump. They are meant to help you with installation,
use and maintenance and to increase your safety. Installation
should be performed with regards to local or national standards.
Only qualified personnel should maintain and service these prod-
ucts. Failure to comply with safety precautions could cause per-
sonal injury or machinery damage.
The high efficiency, electronically commutated Viridian pumps con-
sist of two main parts, the centrifugal pump and the electronic reg-
ulator. The hydraulic part is hermetically sealed from the motor
assembly and has no mechanical seals. Viridian pumps are pow-
ered by an ECM permanent magnet motor which does not consume
energy to magnetize the rotor, providing superior energy efficiency.
The ECM motor is run by an on-board frequency converter with an
integrated PFC (Power Factor Correction) filter. The converter
estimates current flow and head from the motor load, information
essential for differential pressure control.
The Viridian pump is protected with a double box during shipping.
It can be lifted from the box with internal handles or by lifting it by
the heat sink.
Pumps are designed to be installed using standard ANSI class
125 flanges. It is recommended that the Viridian pumps be
installed with at least 5 to 10 pipe diameters of straight pipe on the
inlet and outlet of the pump. Use all nuts and bolts to attach com-
panion flanges to the pump flanges. For pumps to operate with
minimal vibration and noise, it should be installed with the axis in
a horizontal position (see Figure 1).
Desired head orientation can be achieved by rotating the pump
head. The pump is mounted to the volute with four screws. By
unscrewing those the head can be turned.
Caution: Hhen
reassemVling5 care should Ve ta3en to avoid damaging the OY
ring and insuring a tight seal.
For replacement O-rings, use part
number 975-001RP. See detailed Motor Rotation Procedure 4.1
Instruction Sheet
15-30 (-1 and -2 Models)
SUPERSEDES: October 24, 2013
EFFECTIVE: November 2, 2015
A Taco resource – saving product
CAUTION: Use supplG Wires suitaVle for x6XC.
ATTENTION: EmploGer des fils d>alimentation
ade2auts pour x6XC.
HARNINb: Do not use in sWimming pool or spa
areas. Pump has not Veen investigated for these
A ERTISSEMENT: Ne pas utiliser dans une piscine
ou un spa. La pompe n(a pas été étudiée pour ces
HARNINb: To avoid electrical shoc35 disconnect
the poWer supplG to the circulator and the main
electrical unit. FolloW all local electrical and
plumVing codes.
A ERTISSEMENT: Pour éviter tout choc électri2ue5
déVranche/ l(alimentation électri2ue vers le circuY
lateur et l(unité électri2ue principale. Respecte/
tous les codes de plomVerie et électri2ues locauz.
CAUTION: The addition of petroleum Vased fluids
or certain chemical additives to sGstems using
TACO e2uipment voids the WarrantG.
ATTENTION: L(a–out de li2uides ê Vase de pétrole
ou de certains additifs chimi2ues ê des sGst mes
utilisant un é2uipement TACO annule la garantie.
HARNINb: yot surfaces can cause Vurns. The
motor can also reach temperatures that could
cause in–urG.
A ERTISSEMENT: Les surfaces chaudes peuvent
provo2uer des VrKlures. Le moteur peut également
atteindre des températures 2ui peuvent entra ner
des Vlessures.
CAUTION: Pump motor5 electronics enclosure and
condensate drain openings should not Ve thermallG
insulated as it could interfere With cooling and
condensate drainage.
ATTENTION: Le moteur de pompe5 l(enceinte élecY
troni2ue et les ouvertures de drainage de condensat
doivent 8tre thermi2uement isolés car il peut G avoir
interférence avec l(évacuation de condensat et de
li2uide de refroidissement.
CAUTION: Misconnection or overload of electrical
or signal connections could cause pump to shutY
doWn or cause permanent damage.
ATTENTION: Toute erreur de raccordement ou surY
charge des connezions électri2ues ou de signaliY
sation peut entra ner un arr8t de la pompe ou des
dommages permanents.
CAUTION: Do not operate pump Without the electriY
cal cover securelG attached.
ATTENTION: Ne pas actionner la pompe si le couY
vercle électri2ue n(est pas correctement fizé.
CAUTION: Pump maG Ve heavG. Provide Gourself
help if needed.
ATTENTION: La pompe est lourde. eille/ ê demanY
der de l(aide si nécessaire.
Watch the Viridian training video at:
Summary of Contents for Viridian 15
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