Pre-Fab Easy Installation
For Models: 006-CT-USK, 008-CT-USK
Installation and Operating Instructions for Existing Homes with Standard Piping
SUPERSEDES: October 8, 2015
EFFECTIVE: December 1, 2015
is manufactured using the highest quality component parts avail-
able. Patented Integral Flow Checks (IFC
) are built into each TacoGenie pump
to prevent cold water from entering the hot water line. State-of-the-art electron-
ics allow the TacoGenie to accurately sense temperature and automatically shut
off the pump to maximize comfort and energy savings. TacoGenie saves energy
and water. You can look forward to over 15 years of life expectancy with a
A Taco resource – saving product
Instruction Sheet
Plant I.D. #001-1024