Notes on Usage
Before Using the Inverter for the First Time
The rated output of solar panels is based on certain conditions. The actual amount of output will vary
according to the intensity of sunlight, surrounding temperature and the direction and angle at which the
panels are installed. Therefore, even on clear days, the rated output may not always be generated. On clear
days, the generated power should be about 70 to 80% of the rated output.
Generated power
•The very first time the inverter is used, it can be started by pressing the [RUN/STOP] button.
•Once the inverter starts up, it runs automatically in the set operating mode according to the amount of
sunlight, time of day, battery charge, etc.
•At night, when it is raining, or when inverter output is insufficient to run connected appliances because the
battery charge is low, power is automatically supplied from the commercial power grid.
Daily operation is not necessary.
Although the inverter is automatically supplied by stored battery power when a power outage occurs, the
power supply is briefly interrupted when the inverter switches over to stand-alone operation.
Once the commercial power grid operation is restored after an outage, the inverter automatically resumes
grid-tied operation.
When a power outage occurs, the inverter automatically engages stand-alone operation.
Before using the inverter for the first time, have the installer perform the operations described below
in the “Preparations” and “System Startup” sections.
The Hybrid Solar Inverter is for outdoor use.
Check the operating status of the inverter.
Set the grid-tied breaker in the Electrical Service Entrance to the ON position.
System Startup
When the grid-tied breaker is set in the ON position, the display
indicates that grid-tied operation has been manually stopped as
shown in the image on the right.
When “STAND-ALONE STOP” is displayed on the screen, press and hold the
[RUN/STOP] button for 5 seconds or more, and confirm that the operating
status changes to “MANUAL GRID STOP.”
Press the [RUN/STOP] button. “GRID CONNECT
” appears on the
display for a few minutes before grid-tied operation starts.
” appears on the display for a few minutes before
grid-tied operation starts.
Start inverter operation.
When grid-tied operation resumes after the commercial power grid
restores from an outage, “GRID CONNECT
” appears on the
display for a few minutes.
• The inverter stops during the daytime if an outage occurs on the commercial power grid.
• The inverter occasionally makes noise during operation. This is normal.
•Where there is a minimal amount of oily smoke and dust.
•Where not exposed to corrosive gases or liquids.
Secure a location for the inverter that meets the
following requirements.
Those products may not work properly.
Do not use electric products that are vulnerable to
electrical noise near the inverter.
200 mm (7.8 in) or more
200 mm (7.8 in)
or more
500 mm (19.7 in)
or more
800 mm (31.5 in)
or more
Do not use radios, cellphones or receivers of any
kind near the inverter so as to avoid signal reception
Ensure a minimum of 800 mm (31.5 in) in front, a
minimum of 500 mm (19.7 in) on the left, and
200 mm (7.8 in) above and on the right of the
inverter for equipment checks and maintenance.