Discovery TGA™ Getting Started Guide
Page 64
Cleaning the Pans
The TGA platinum and ceramic sample pans are designed to be reusable. However, they must be thor-
oughly cleaned between experiments. This is typically accomplished by “burn-off” of residue with a pro-
pane torch. In some cases, soaking the pans in an appropriate solvent provides another alternative. Care
must be taken not to deform the pan and bail wire during cleaning, or the TGA automatic pan pick-up
process will not work.
CAUTION: The aluminum pans can not be cleaned with a propane torch. The aluminum pans are
disposable; they are not meant to be reused.
MISE EN GARDE: Les bacs en aluminium peuvent être nettoyés à l'aide d'un chalumeau au pro-
pane. Les bacs en aluminium sont jetables et ne sont pas conçus pour être réutilisés.
CAUTION: Do not use an acid wash to clean the platinum-HT pans, as this may damage the pans.
MISE EN GARDE: N'utilisez pas de lavage à l'eau acidulée pour nettoyer les bacs en platine-HT,
car cela risque d'endommager les bacs.
Cleaning the User Interface Screen
You can clean the TGA user interface screen as often as you like. The instrument should first be turned off
in order to prevent activating the touch screen switches, which can result in unexpected instrument
behavior. The user interface screen should be cleaned with a household liquid glass cleaner and soft cloth.
Wet the cloth (not the user interface screen) with the glass cleaner, and then wipe off the screen and
surrounding surfaces.
WARNING: Do not use harsh chemicals, abrasive cleansers, steel wool, or any rough materials
to clean the user interface screen, as you may scratch the surface and degrade its properties.
AVERTISSEMENT: N'utilisez pas de produits chimiques agressifs, de nettoyants abrasifs, de la
laine d'acier ou tout autre matériau rugueux pour nettoyer l'écran de l'interface utilisateur, car
vous pourriez égratigner sa surface et dégrader ses propriétés.