Click the Sicherheit (Security) tab in the Einstellungen
(Settings) register card.
On this tab you can find all the possible settings which
ensure security for your PC when operating in the
When the device leaves the works the encryption is
deactivated. You are not normally able to communica-
te in the WLAN because the access points or the rou-
ter in the radio network protect against unauthorized
access, in particular by means of encryption.
Your Speedport W 100 Stick therefore has to be set
up in accordance with the security settings of the ac-
cess point/router.
You can find out what these settings are from the ad-
ministrator of the network you would like to access.
Verschlüsselung (Encryption)
Click the
opening arrow
beside the Verschlüsselung (Encryption) field. A list of the methods which are avai-
lable to you will then appear. You can gain access to networks which use one of these security methods.
You have the following possibilities:
The type of encryption and the code generated with it must be the same for all computers
within the network. Otherwise they will not be able to communicate with one another, even if
WPA or 802.1x is specified by the access point/router.
When you purchase the device, the encryption is set to Aus (OFF) and none of the entry fields are active. For
this reason, you cannot usually gain immediate access to an existing, configured network. If communication
cannot be established, the T-COM WLAN Manager symbol in the system tray is red.
If WEP is used in the WLAN:
You cannot enter any code you like as you like.
The code you use and the code number you enter are de-
pendent upon the way the code was generated on the access point/router.
For security reasons there is no standard for the calculation of the code
(different algo-
rithms are used to generate it). The allocation of a code is only possible if the access point/rou-
ter belongs to the same product series.
Click the
opening arrow
next to the Verschlüsselung
(Encryption) entry field and select the WEP menu
Click the
opening arrow
next to the Schlüssellänge
(code length) entry field and then select the security
level: 64 bit or 128 bit.
You can enter the code in the following ways:
If the access point/router is a product of the T-Sinus,
Sinus or Speedport series W 500V, 1054, 730) and if
the code was generated by means of a keyword, click
the box beside Schlüsselwort (keyword): The entry
field is now active and you can enter the same combi-
nation of letters as was used for the access point/rou-
ter. Then you only have to select the number of the co-
de being used in the bottom field.
If the access point/router is not a product belonging
to the series named above, click the arrow beside the Schlüsseltyp (Code type) field and select HEX
(hexadecimal = numbers 0-9 and letters A-F, 10-digit) or ASCII (characters in the ASCII code list, maxi-