SYX661-CSC Commissioning Guide
V1.1 10/2020
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The controller allows the control mode to be manually set, this can be achieved by using the override menu. Chose
Switch and select the mode you require. Night/Boost/Off/Auto the CSC-V-T version offers Continuous Mode also
for permanent Day mode.
The controller allows the valve position to be manually set, the can this can be achieved by using the override
menu. Chose Switch and select the option you require. Open/Close/Hold/Auto
The Hand light will illuminate until the controller is returned to the Auto Mode.
The external overrides (Volt free contacts) work to override the controller also. If Night and Boost are set at the
same time by external or software override then Night mode will have priority.
Alarms and Management
Flow High Limit
If the flow sensor sees a temperature 5
C higher than the flow max setting for more then 30 seconds then the flow
high temp alarm will be triggered and the heating will be shut down until the flow temperature has cooled 5
lower than the flow max setting.
Sensor Alarms
All Sensors are monitored for correct connection. Messages will be populated based on the time and date of
disconnection. It is essential that wiring of sensors is made when the controller is isolated from a power supply to
avoid unwanted alarms.
Alarms can be acknowledged by pressing the lower left button on the controller facia.
Old Alarms that are no longer active can be cleared by pressing and holding the lower left button for over 5
Maintenance and Warranty
The controller itself requires no maintenance. The controller is covered by a 12 month warranty.
Q. Will the controller compensate the Boilers?
A. No. To compensate boilers please use the SYX661 Optimiser Compensator.
Q. Will the SYX66x controller provide 24vAC for my actuator?
A. No. You will require an external Power Supply. An isolating Transformer is preferred. Please see the wiring
examples provided with the controller and on the data sheet.
Q. Can I re-use the existing wiring?
A. Yes. If the wiring worked on the previous controller then there is no real reason why they cannot be re-used. If the
wiring causes issues with the controller it has probably caused issues with the old device as well. If replacing sensor
wiring then use Screened Twisted Pair cable from the sensor all the way through the panel onto the controller
Q. The sensors are not reading as I would expect.
If the sensors are going up and down please observe screening cable recommendations and grounding of cable
screens. Also check that the correct GND connections have been used for all inputs and outputs. If the sensors are
reading a little high or a little low then use the sensor calibration feature in the Connections Menu.