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FCU2001 and SY100 Engineering Guide
Chapter 2
The Fan-coil can be enabled and be disabled in two ways:
1. By means of the keyboard. Pressing On/Off we enable the Fan-coil. The Air conditioning is
disabled by pressing the On/Off button once more.
2. By means of communications. We can enale/disable the Fan-coil by using the
communications link to a BMS. We can read the state of the equipment, alarms and also
the room temperature back to the front end. We can re-program the controller if required
The BMS control is useful in two ways:
In facilities that wish to maintain the air conditioning of the rooms when the client leaves we can
guarantee that this controller stays active. For it will activate the room controller too meet the
required set point. This option is similar to our P3 function (see X).
In facilities that have a need to control the total consumed energy, it can be interesting to disable
the conditioned air momentarily, to reduce peaks of consumption. In this case we will disable the
The FCU 2001 measures the room temperature by means of the sensor located in the return duct
of the Fan-coil. Based on this temperature the controller will enable the appropriate heating or
cooling valve and modulate the fan speed to suit the conditions and the occupancy schedule via the
BMS. Adapting the speed of the fan automatically increasing comfort and reducing temperature
errors as quickly as possible.
If a magnetic contact of window in connected across terminals 22-23 (contact closed with closed
window), when this opens it initiates a timing of 10 seconds (adjustable by communications), after
this delay, the Fan-coil will be stopped and the valves closed until the window is closed again, at
which moment the FCU will start again.
When activating the air conditioning, by means of the On/Off button the controller will start at
manual speed one. The speed can be modified manually acting on the fan speed control. This
speed will stay independently of the environmental conditions.
If the controller is in the Automatic position, LED automatic On/Off, the speed will automatically
adjust based on the error with respect to the set point. The greater the error then the greater the
speed of the fan. When the dead zone nearest to the selected set point is reached, the fan will be