ection 2
erminating the wiring
2.8 Fitting the speaker into
the ceiling
• For single active speaker operation (mono
mode), remember to set the speaker to
mono before fi tting it into the ceiling; see
Confi guring the system,
page 16.
• Ensure that the four dog-leg retaining
clamps are rotated inwards to enable the
speaker assembly to slide into the pre-cut
• Gently raise the speaker up through the
ceiling hole taking care not to strain any of
the cables:
• Rotate the speaker in the ceiling so that
the infra-red eye is aligned nearest to the
likely seating or control position.
• Hold the speaker fl ush in the ceiling cutout
with one hand. Tighten the four mounting
screws with the other hand until you hear
the tabs click into position, where they will
hold the speaker in place:
• Continue to tighten the four mounting
screws in rotation until the speaker is held
fi rmly fl ush against the ceiling.
Do not over tighten as you may crack the
mounting tabs or strip the screw thread.
• Do not attempt to fi t the grille at this stage
(wait until the system has been tested).
• Repeat process for left-hand (passive)
Removal of the speaker is the
reverse of the above instructions. The
grille is removed simply by hooking a
suitable tool into the grille and easing off.
Fitting and connecting
the KPM1 keypad (if
specifi ed)
If a keypad has been specifi ed, this should
be connected as shown:
KPM1 (rear view)
White System 45 KPM1 keypad modules
are supplied already fi tted on to a
mounting frame with facia fi tted; the
facia must be removed to allow keypad
assembly to be screwed into the back box.
Grey mounting
System 45
range facia
Black keypad modules are not
supplied with any facia. These need to be
ordered separately.