electronic gain each time a value of 90 is achieved.
When this occurs the detector resumes with less elec-
tronic gain than previously when 90 was achieved.
Less gain makes it more difficult to achieve higher
values. Final values anywhere between 20 and 90 are
acceptable if no further increase can be achieved.
Note: The alignment procedure is not complete yet.
At this time it is possible to set the sensitivity of the detec-
tor using the sensitivity switch and digital display. See
the Sensitivity Selection section of this manual for further
Step 3. Final Gain Adjustment
Refer to Figure 13 for this step.
In this step, the detector will electronically adjust its inter-
nal gain one final time. It is necessary to complete this
step with the outer housing installed since the housing will
change the amount of light received from the reflector.
1. Install the outer housing of the detector. The housing is
installed by tightening four screws, one in each corner
of the housing. The screws are captivated in the plastic
of the housing and cannot fall out during assembly.
2. Remove the protective film from the front surface of the
outer housing.
Note: The housing contains a gasket seal that protects
the detector circuitry from corrosion and moisture
sources. To insure that the gasket seal performs
correctly it is necessary to fully tighten all four of
the screws that hold the outer housing in place.
3. To initiate the final electronic gain adjustment, the reset
switch must be depressed. Once depressed the yellow
LED will begin to blink. This indicates that the detector
is adjusting the electronic gain setting. Once complete,
the yellow LED will stop blinking and the green LED will
begin blinking. This indicates that the gain adjustment
was successful.
Note: Use caution not to block the line of sight between
the detector and reflector in this step.
4. Install the outer aesthetic ring by snapping it onto the
outer housing.
Note: If the outer aesthetic ring has been painted insure that the
paint is completely dry before proceeding with this step.
Step 4. Final Verification
This step is required to insure the detector has been setup
correctly and will detect smoke at the proper sensitivity
1. With the detector functioning (indicated by the green
LED blinking), completely block the reflector with an
opaque material. (Due to the high optical efficiency of
the reflector the selection of the opaque material used
to block the reflector is not critical. Acceptable mate-
rials include, but aren’t limited to, this manual or the
cardboard packaging inserts.) See Figure 14. The detec-
tor should enter the trouble condition (indicated by the
fault relay and the yellow LED (see Appendix I). If the
detector does not enter the trouble condition there is a
problem with the installation refer to the troubleshoot-
ing section in Appendix I for further assistance.
2. Complete a sensitivity test of the detector. Refer to the
Sensitivity Testing section of this manual for the appro-
priate procedure.
3. If the orange sticky paper was used to aid in the loca-
tion of the reflector in the alignment mirror it should be
removed now. It is no longer necessary.
Congratulations. You have completed the final installation
and alignment procedure.
Figure 10. Switch Locations