Multicast destination IP:
Enter an IP between and Although
it is empty, an IP will be entered automatically.
RTP port:
Enter a value between 1024 and 65530.
Enter a value between 1 and 255. If a network status is smooth, enter a lower
value. On the other hand, if a network status is poor, enter a higher value. When there are
many Network Cameras or users, a higher value may cause a heavy load to the network.
For a detailed setting, please consult with a network manager.
The Network Camera includes support for UPnP™. UPnP™ is enabled by default, and the Network
Camera then is automatically detected by operating systems and clients that support this protocol.
UPnP™ must be installed on your workstation if running Windows XP. To do this, open the
Control Panel from the Start Menu and select Add/Remove Programs. Select Add/Remove Windows
Components and open the Networking Services section. Click Details and then select UPnP™ as the
service to add.
Quality of Service (QoS) provides the means to guarantee a certain level of a specified resource to
selected traffic on a network. Quality can be defined as a maintained level of bandwidth, low latency,
and no packet losses.