For your information :
A slight pressure must be applied to use the SYS'Evolution touchscreen
. This
technology allows to use this instrument with gloves
The take-off is automatically detected and starts the log. The flight time in the top
banner appears after take-off.
The touch-screen is designed to be used with or without gloves.
Any flight item that requires GPS needs at least 3 satellites. Otherwise, a “NO GPS”
message may show up instead of the item.
The first GPS fix can take several minutes in case of long power-off or in case
of significant change in position. Any first GPS fix should be done outside. We
recommend you to turn ON the instrument a few minutes before taking-off.
The temperature only indicates the temperature of the electronics. This cannot be
used as a reference for ambient temperature.
A 3.5mm jack socket is available on the right side of the device. Plugging a headset
automatically transfers any sound from the speaker to the headset (and cuts-off the