VEPTR – Vertical Expandable
Prosthetic Titanium Rib.
A new
treatment concept for paediatric
three-dimensional thoracic deformities.
Three-dimensional thoracic approach to
treat patients with complex chest wall
and/or spinal deformities where the
thorax is unable to support normal res-
piration or lung growth (Thoracic Insuf-
ficiency Syndrome).
Designed to mechanically stabilize and
distract the thorax to improve respira-
tion and lung growth in infantile and
juvenile patients.
VEPTR devices control and may correct
Devices are attached perpendicularly to
the patient’s natural ribs (superior at-
tachment point) and to more caudal
ribs, a lumbar vertebra or to the ilium
(inferior attachment point). This is done
through a standard thoracotomy inci-
sion by performing an opening wedge
Regular expansion, anatomic distrac-
tion, and replacement of components
through less invasive surgery.
Goals of treatment:
– Increase thoracic volume
– Scoliosis correction
– Thoracic symmetry by lengthening
the concave, restricted hemithorax
– Improve thoracic function
– Avoiding growth inhibition proce-
– Maintain these improvements
throughout the growth of the child