H-Style Harness – 010-135
Slip the shoulder straps through the upholstery opening according to the top shoulder height
of the child.
*For lower upholstery openings, run the upper straps under the upholstery up to the
highest opening in the backrest and insert the buckle of strap through the hole in the
backrest. (There is an in-between section under the upholstery that allows the straps to
move). Run the bottom straps through holes in the lower corners of the seat. Secure
with Velcro fasteners.
Footmuff - Summer – 010-177
Place the footmuff over the seat, attach it to the canopy with the help of attachments.
Pull the strap at the bottom of the footmuff through the footrest and secure it using the
Velcro strap.
Adjust the footmuff as needed (two sizes) using the zipper.
Rain Cover – 010-142
The rain cover should be pulled over the stroller, so the canopy and the footrest are both covered.
Store when clean and dry.