Quick fault rectification guide
Step 1
Remove the charging cable from the unit
Step 2
Isolate the charger power at the main fuse board (relevant circuit will be labelled) for a
minimum of 30 seconds.
Step 3
Switch units power back on, units Halo ring should be solid yellow and provided the
internet signal is sufficient the Halo ring should turn solid blue within two minutes.
Step 4
Reload the Sync EV App on your mobile device and the unit should now revert to
programmable mode and be ready to use.
Should this simple process not resolve the issue then our technical team are available to
assist on
0044 1293 227523.
Should your unit frequently revert to fault mode the likelihood is poor WiFi connection.
Our optional GPS connectivity SIM card solution is one option, offering on average 3
years use or an Ethernet solution is possible.