SNAP Connect E10 User Guide
Page 40
Chapter 7
Recovery Procedure
If you “brick” your E10 (i.e., if you make a programming or configuration mistake such
that you are no longer able to log into your E10 at all), then you can use the recovery
procedure described in this section to restore your E10 to its original factory configuration.
This recovery procedure permanently erases any and all user content (programs,
files, or data) that may have been on your E10 prior to performing the recovery procedure.
Basically, this procedure uses a special factory programming connector located inside the
E10 to completely erase and reprogram the Linux processor, restoring the original
operating software.
This section covers the hardware and software tools needed in order to perform the
recovery procedure.
Required Hardware
Screwdriver with the correct tip (at the time of this document’s publication, E10 units
were shipping with “Torx” style screws)
USB cable (with
Type A
connector on one end and
Mini A
connector on the other end)
This is different from the Micro-A cable that comes with the E10 (you will need that
cable, also).
For more information about USB connectors, refer to the website:
Optional Hardware
Needle-nose pliers to remove/reinstall a jumper (unless you have very small fingers)
Magnifying glass
Required Software
All of the files and software needed for the recovery process can be found in the file
, available on the
Synapse User Forum