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Quick Install Guide
The instructions within this section will help you set up and configure a SimplySNAP lighting solution.
For later maintenance tasks, individual sections later in this guide will also have the information
needed to perform these edits.
System Requirements
• Synapse SimplySNAP SS420 Site Controller
• Synapse light controllers
• Laptop or tablet running Chrome browser
• (Optional) Sensors and switches
Lighting System Configuration Overview
A SimplySNAP lighting solution
consists of a Synapse SS420 site
controller and some number of
lights equipped with Synapse light
controllers and sensors.
The SS420 site controller
serves as the hub of control and
communications for managing the
lights that make up the lighting
Hardware Installation
The first step in installing a SimplySNAP lighting solution is to connect the physical hardware of
the system, followed by configuration of the system within the SimplySNAP user interface. These
instructions assume that you have already installed Synapse Lighting Controllers for the lights that will
make up your SimplySNAP lighting solution and you are now ready to connect the site controller.
For more detailed instructions, including usage and configuration information, please
download the SimplySNAP User Guide from