ND Clocks User Manual - Rev 2.0.1 Sep-08
, Inc.
RS-232 Terminal Configuration
The recommended method of configuring the ND clock is via the network interface using either the
WinDiscovery application or Telnet.
In addition, the installer may opt to configure or update the firmware for the device using an alternate
method than the standard Ethernet port. A serial port interface has been included as a provision. This
item can be accessed on the rear of the chassis.
The RS-232 configuration interface behaves identically to the Telnet interface. To communicate with
the network clock in this manner connect any RS-232 terminal or PC serial port and serial terminal
application such as Windows
“HyperTerminal” to the 9 pin DB9 connector. A standard “straight-
through” serial (non null modem) communication cable should be used.
The settings for the RS232 port are: 9600, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, None
It may be necessary to restart the unit by recycling power to initiate the serial terminal configuration
interface after the serial cable has been attached.
Once serial communications is initiated, a banner will be displayed. This banner message designates the
clock model, firmware version, and IP address, followed by a password entry. The IP address may be
announced as This is normal operation. The clock has not yet configured or been assigned its
IP address under DHCP mode prior to announcing or making available its serial interface user menu.
You can reveal the IP address by refreshing the menu and announcement. To reveal the IP address, first
enter the password. Select the exit option “X” from the menu. The initial clock announcement and the
menu will re-fresh and the actual IP address will be displayed, if known.
Once connected, press ENTER once to display the login/menu screen.
Consult the section entitled Telnet Terminal Configuration for details on how to change configuration
using the terminal interface.