Symantec® ServiceDesk Customization Guide 7.0
Application Property for Two Notifications
There are two settings in ServiceDesk that enable the notifications for incident creation
(SendNotificationIncidentCreation) and incident resolution
(SendNotificationIncidentResolution). You can disable these notifications by changing
the application property for these to False.
Remove an Approval Step
In ServiceDesk, many approvals happen via the Dialog Workflow component which
presents a user a form to either approve or deny something. For example, there is an
approval step for deleting a Knowledge Base item. It is possible to bypass this approval
step by disabling the component that handles the approval.
In general, Symantec recommends disabling unwanted components rather than deleting
them. This example shows disabling the Dialog Workflow component; the method for
disabling is the same for other components as well.
To disable the approval step for removing a Knowledge Base article
1. In Symantec Workflow, open the SD.KBSubmission project.
2. Click on the Removal Approval model in the Project tree on the left.
3. Double-click the “Review Removal Request” Dialog Workflow component.
4. Click on the Settings tab.
5. At the bottom, uncheck “Is Enabled” and select “Approved” as the Execution
Outcome. Now any time a KB article is to be removed, the removal step will always
return “true” as if approval was granted. There is no need for user interaction.
Customize the Spell Checking Dictionary
User input in ServiceDesk is validated for spelling typically by a SpellCheck component.
The component is not visible to the end-user, however it creates red underlining for
misspelled words. By right-clicking the misspelled word, a list of spelling suggestions
appears. Selecting a suggestion corrects the misspelling.
There is also a SpellCheckButton component that appears as a button in the form (often
displayed as a “Check Spelling” button). The component targets a specific component
(for example, a Textbox). After entering information into the form and clicking this
button, a standard spell check dialog window will display. The user can then ignore or
change the words called out as misspelled.
Symantec Workflow uses “KaramaSoft’s Ultimate Spell” technology for these two
components. A custom dictionary can be added to Ultimate Spell, but only through
altering the directory of the web application in ASP.NET. Therefore another option is to
have users edit the spell checking dictionary utilized by their browser, such as the
Google toolbar spell checking tool. The instructions below explain how to do this as an
The spell check tool in the Google toolbar appears as a green checkmark. Once you
enter information into any web form, you can click the “Spell Check” button and form
data entered will be assessed. To add misspelled words to the dictionary, right-click on
the word and select “Add to Dictionary.”