Symantec® ServiceDesk Customization Guide 7.0
Report Settings > Process Reporting Interval (sec), makes the information available
to web parts quicker (can be dropped to a lower number; makes sense for a
smaller-scale SD instance with only a handful of technicians). This setting would
work in conjunction with the refresh time of the web part itself.
Workflow Settings > Task Refresh Time (reduces the default time, in milliseconds,
to make a task available to the next user in line)
Workflow Settings > Auto Refresh Task Page (selected so the user doesn’t have to
manually refresh the task list)
Workflow Settings > Task Lease Time (default is 15 minutes, this timeframe can be
changed depending on how often you want to check if a lease is broken. This setting
comes into play when someone closes a task, since it could be as long as 15
minutes until you find out whether a task is leased or not. Don’t lower the time too
much; doing so increases overhead on the system.)
Customization > Logo URL. This adds a company logo in place of the Symantec one
in the upper left.
Process Manager Settings > Update Business Hours (sets the business hours in the
Process Manager Settings > Help Link URL. Point this to where you have your
ServiceDesk documentation housed.
Do not change settings under Application Management, or Process Manager Events.
Determine AD synch method:
Internal synch method, which is selected by default. Built-in to the PM. Synchs
everything. Process Manager Active Directory Settings > AD Sync Process Interval
(default is once an hour)
Workflow method, enabled by checking the Process AD Changes Using Workflow
Introducing Active Directory Post-Installation
If AD settings were not provided during installation, it is possible to set up AD
integration from the Admin > Portal Master Settings screen, under Process Manager
Active Directory Settings. Configure these settings accordingly, then add the AD server
under Admin > AD Servers page.
The Process AD Changes Using Workflow setting has an upside and a downside to
consider: upside is that you can customize the AD Synch process in Workflow so only
certain users/groups/organizations synch, therefore getting a better level of control.
Downside is that it is more complicated process; it is an interaction of three projects to
occur, so you’re introducing another element of complexity.
Use the Ignore AD users field to choose not to synch the users listed here.
Customize the General Appearance of the Portal
In ServiceDesk 7, under Admin > Portal > Master Settings, a “Customization” section
allows you to set a company logo, pick a theme, menu style, and a few other
appearance-related features.