User Manual PILOT
May 2016
Page 8 of 20
4.2 Scanmode settings
Enter programming mode
Select “Scanmode settings” and confirm with “OK”
Select one of the three options “columns first”,
“Rows first” or “Rows -> Columns” and confirm
with “OK”
Columns first
The keys will be scanned from top to bottom, left column first and then the right column.
Scan order: Key 1, 2, 3, … , 7, 8, … , 13, 14
Rows first
The keys of each row will scanned from left to right then next row and so on.
Scan order: Key 1, 8, 2, 9, 3, 10, … 7, 14
Rows -> Columns
The keys of each row will be scanned both together from top to buttom. If the scan switch is
activated the buttons in the current highlighted row will be scanned from left to right twice.
Skip blank keys
should be selected all the time. Not used buttons will be skipped during
scanning if this option is activated.
and confirm with “OK” to set the scanning speed. You can set the wait time in
0.25 second steps. Use the softkeys to change the value.
When all changes are done in this menu, please use the “return” key to change back
to the main menu.