Connect the HDMI input sources to the SY-MSUHD-88
Connect the HDMI outputs to the SY-MSUHD-88
Power on the input sources you want to show
Connect the power supply into the SY-MSUHD-88 and turn on the displays you want to view
Use the remote control or the front panel push buttons to make input to output source
Insert and remove HDMI cables carefully to avoid damaging the HDMI connectors on the matrix
Please note, whenever the LCD is off the first button press will only turn on the LCD and does
not perform any action. Press the button again to initiate the desired action.
Whenever the LCD shows an N in the top row, this indicates that the output at that position is
turned off and is not showing an image. Use either of the two video selection methods to select
and input to that output.
Video Selections
The SY-MSUHD-88 front panel controls allow for the selection of the inputs to the various
outputs. There are two methods by which video selections can be made:
Press a button on the OUTPUT row to choose the output number to change, then
press a button on the INPUT row to select the input signal for the selected output.
Press a button on the INPUT row to see all the outputs that input is currently routed
to. This is indicated by the button LEDs on the OUTPUT row. The top row of the
display will indicate
on for all current video routings for that input where the
output signal is on. Where there is an
in the top row of the display, this indicates
that the chosen input is routed to the output number shown, but that the output
signal is switched off.
Figure 1 - MUHD-88 Front Panel Controls