Manual Version 1.0
The SWS ALUMMIG 230 dual pulse MIG welder makes pulse MIG welding simple by
synergically controlling the pulse with both Single and Double pulse waveforms. This
means that the machine is taking care of the complicated calculations needed to create
a smooth stable pulse action without the need to dial in every parameter taking out
user error and reducing setup time significantly.
In the pulse-spray transfer mode, the power supply cycles between a high spray
transfer current and a low background current. This allows for extra cooling of the weld
pool during the background cycle, making it slightly different from a true spray
transfer and has some distinct advantages.
Single pulse mode allows the user to select the consumables type and the machine
synergically sets the parameters that are best suited for the welding being performed.
Dual pulse allows more control over the welding parameters but it is still primarily
controlled synergically. The pulse frequency can be adjusted from 0.1 - 5 pulses per
second (Hz). The dual pulse dynamic can be adjusted from negative 10 to plus 10 this
simply effects the highs and lows of the pulse cycle.
• Works very well with Aluminium
• Can be used in all positions
• Faster travel speeds
• Less spatter
• Less heat input while maintaining good penetration