Grove Pro Mini LP
P r o d u c t S p e c i f i c a t i o n
What Grove Connectors Are On The Grove Pro Mini LP?
There are two types of Grove Connectors on the Grove Pro Mini LP board. There is two Grove I2C
connectors, three Grove Digital connectors, two Grove Analog connectors and one Mixed Digital/Analog
Grove Digital
A digital Grove connector consists of the standard four lines coming into the Grove plug. The two signal
lines are generically called D0 and D1. Most modules only use D0, but some do (like the LED Bar Grove
display) use both. Often base units will have the first connector called D0 and the second called D1 and
they will be wired D0/D1 and then D1/D2, etc.
Grove Digital
Pin 1
Primary Digital Input/Output
Pin 2
Secondary Digital Input/Output
Grove Digital
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