Blade brake is activated
by the torsion spring
around the pivot bolt. It
is important that brake
stop the pulley on the
blade assembly when the
clutch is disengaged.
For easier access to the belt
engagement system when
doing major repair, remove
the engine with it’s mount.
As the belt idler tightens
the the belt to start the
blades turning it also
removes the brake from
the blade spindle pulley.
To increase the the tension on the drive belt, adjust this nut
and the one on the other side of the bracket, counter
clockwise. Always check the operation of the blade brake
on the spindle pulley after the adjustment, since they are
both affected by the adjustment of the cable. The stopping
point has to be when the brake is no longer able to contact
the blade spindle when the engagement lever is released.
This bolt stops the travel of
the idler before it strikes
the engine pulley if the belt
gets worn too thin.
Stop for the tail of the
torsion spring.
This is the point where engagement cable is connected
when a replacement needs to be installed.
Never tighten the nut against the loop on the end of the
spring at this bolt or at the other end as it connects to
the belt idler. The spring must always have room to
rotate on the bolt or it will break off at that point.