User Manual
General Safety Instructions for Hand-Held Spindle Lawn Mower
• In the interests of your safety and the correct use of this machine, read this User Manual thoroughly and carefully.
• Please note that this machine user is responsible not only for ensuring other persons and their property are not in
danger, but also for preventing any and all accidents that might occur due to the use of the machine.
• This User Manual is an integral part of the machine and must be handed over to each user.
• For safety reasons, children and adolescents under 16 years of age and persons who have not read and understood
this User Manual sufficiently are not allowed to work with this machine. To ensure that they do not play with the
product, persons with limited physical or mental abilities are only allowed to use this product under the direct
supervision of a competent person.
• Please explain all the potential hazards and how to prevent them to anyone who is going to work with this machine.
• Please keep the machine in a secure place. Any machine that is not in use should be kept in a dry and locked place
not accessible to children.
• When using the machine, wear hearing protection.
• When using the machine, always wear protective gloves, in the interests of your safety.
• In case of continuous work with the machine longer than two hours, take a safety break.
• The lawn mower is designed for mowing lawns in private gardens and gardens around houses having the area less
than 2,000 m2 or for its being in operation for 100 running hours per year.
• The machine must not be equipped with any additional accessories not authorised by Swardman. Failure to observe
this instruction may void the warranty.
• This lawn mower must not be used for mowing areas that are not covered by grass or contain more than 20% plants
that are not grasses.
• Never mow if there are other persons nearby, especially children or animals.
• Before as well as during each mowing, make sure there are no foreign or undesirable objects on the lawn that may
cause damage to the machine or injury to the user. These above all include stones, sticks, tree bark, toys, wires,
cords, hoses, etc.
• When mowing, always wear safe footwear and long trousers. Do not wear open shoes nor sandals.
• Before using the machine, always check its proper technical condition. Pay particular attention to the cylinder,
counter-blades, screw connections, Bowden cables. If any parts are damaged or worn, have them repaired or
replaced immediately. When carrying out repairs and maintenance, use only the original parts or parts authorised
by Swardman.
Petrol is extremely flammable!
• Store petrol only in containers designed and manufactured for this purpose.
• Refuel only outdoor and when the engine is cold. Smoking and being near open fires are prohibited during refuelling.
• Refuel only before you start the machine. Do not open the fuel tank when the engine is running or hot.
• If the tank overflows, do not start the engine. Immediately remove the mower from the area contaminated by
petrol. Dry any petrol spilled from the engine. Do not start the engine until you are sure the excess petrol has
evaporated from the fuel tank or the engine surface.
• Always carefully close the container and fuel tank.
• In case of any damage to the fuel tank, hoses of the fuel system, the exhaust or any other parts of the engine,
immediately replace the damaged part.