Configuration: Network: General
IPv4 Address:
The DVR uses IPv4 addressing, which consists of four groups of num-
bers between 0 and 255, separated by periods. For example, a typical IP address might
be “” or something similar. The most important thing when setting the IP
address is that nothing else on your network shares that IP address.
IPv4 Subnet Mask:
This will be formatted in a similar way to the IP address. For exam-
ple, four numbers up to 255 separated by periods. In the above example, the Subnet
Mask might be something like “”.
IPv4 Default Gateway:
The IP address used for the gateway allows the DVR to connect
to the Internet. This is an IP address in the same format as the others and is typically
very similar to the IP address of the DVR.
IPv6 Address 1/2 & Default Gateway:
IPv6 is the latest revision of the Internet Proto-
col (IP). It will eventually replace the older IPv4 system for assigning IP addresses to
devices on your network. The majority of internet server providers (ISPs) are still using
the IPv4 system but will eventually transition to IPv6. As the DVR supports IPv6, you
will be able to take advantage of the new system when it arrives.
MAC Address:
The MAC (Media Access Control) address is a unique code which nothing
else should share. The address is hardwired into the hardware and can’t be changed.
MTU (Bytes):
The MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) is the size of the largest data-
gram that can be sent over a network. It is recommended to leave the default setting.
Preferred DNS Server:
A DNS (Domain Name System) server is used to translate a
website address to its IP address. The DNS is an essential component of the function-
ality of the Internet. The preferred DNS server will be used first.
Alternate DNS Server:
A backup DNS server. This is here as a redundancy in case the
preferred DNS server is not working.
The UID is used to access the DVR from SwannView Plus on your mobile device
or computer.
Don’t forget to click “Apply” to save settings.
Most of these
networking set-
tings are not re-
quired when us-
ing SwannLink
P2P for remote
access. It’s rec-
ommended for
advanced users
NIC Type:
The DVR has the ability to connect to your
LAN (Local Area Network) at various speeds and
can adjust itself accordingly depending on the net-
work traffic. It is recommended to leave the current
default setting for the best streaming performance.
Enable DHCP:
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol) is a system where one device on your net-
work (usually a router) will automatically assign
IP addresses to devices connected to the network.
This option is enabled by default and is the recom-
mended way for the DVR to receive an IP address
from your router. If you require the DVR to have a
static IP address, you will need to disable this op-