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Configuration: Network - NAT
In most circumstances there is no need to change the settings here. The fol-
lowing is for advanced users only.
Enable UPnP:
Click the checkbox to enable.
Mapping Type:
Depending on how your network has been configured, select
either “Manual” or “Auto”.
HTTP Port:
This port is used to log into your DVR via your network or remote-
ly. The default port number (85) is seldom used by other devices, however if
you have another device using this port, you may need to change it. An al-
ternative port number to use is 90. Make sure that the number used for the
External Port and Internal Port both match, otherwise the UPnP function will
not work.
RTSP Port:
This port is used to stream real-time images to your mobile de-
vice. If you’re having issues streaming video to your mobile device or your
mobile service provider is blocking access, we recommend to change this to
5554. Do not change this if everything is working.
Server Port:
This is the internal port that your DVR will use to send informa-
tion through. This particular port number (8000) is not used by many devices,
however if you have another DVR-like device, you may need to change it. An
alternative port number to use is 9000. Make sure that the number used for
the External Port and Internal Port both match, otherwise the UPnP function
will not work.
Basically the same as HTTP Port but with an additional layer
of security. The default port number (443) is seldom used by other devices.
Make sure that the number used for the External Port and Internal Port both
match, otherwise the UPnP function will not work.
Don’t forget to click “Apply”
to save settings.
Click the “Back” button to go
back to the Menu.