If you’re looking at the System
Information screen, you’ve probably
been directed to do so by Swann
Technical Support.
If we haven’t told you to come here,
you might be wondering what all the
information means. On a day-to-day
level, the answer is “very little”. However,
if you’re still curious:
Device Name:
The name that the DVR
considers to be its own, and what it will
use to register an IP address with your
DHCP host.
The remaining information is for use by
Technical Support, in the event
that you require assistance. The various
model and build numbers help us track
down any known issues, or catalogue
new issues as they come to light. It also
helps us figure out if you’re running the
most recent firmware on the DVR, and
whether you’d benefit from an upgrade.
System: System Information
System: Device State
Device State
menu contains
information about devices and their
current state. If you don’t know what any
of this means, this indicates two things:
You seem to be a balanced, healthy
individual who doesn’t become
obsessed by knowing exactly how the
things they have work, it’s enough that
they do,
You’ve probably got no reason to be
here. Just back out of this menu and
pretend it isn’t here.
Unless you call up Technical Support
and we ask about something on this
screen, there really isn’t anything to
do here.