Registering an Account
1. Once you’ve installed SwannEye HD Pro on your computer, double-click the “SwannEye HD Pro” icon located on
your desktop. The login screen is the first thing you will see when you start the software.
2. Click the “Register account” button to commence registration.
3. Enter the “
Device No.
” and
Verification No.
” printed
on a sticker that is located
on the camera. It will look
something like this:
The “Device No.” and
“Verification No.” are case
sensitive. Only one camera
is required to register an
account, but additional
cameras can be added
4. Enter a username. Your username can be any combination of letters and numbers. Usernames are case sensitive.
5. Enter a password and confirm in the field below. Like the username, passwords are case sensitive.
6. Enter a valid email address. If you forget your password, this is how we can contact you.
7. When you’re done, click the “Submit” button to close the registration window and to register your account.
If you’ve made a mistake copying down the codes, you will see an error message after clicking the “Submit” button. If this happens, your
account will not be registered. To retry, just restart the registration process.