Users Manual Area Scan Cameras SVSGigE
Page 52
Users Manual –svs11002 and svs16000
Development environments
The SVGigE SDK has been designed as DLL components (one API and two transport
layers: filter driver and winsock based) which export C-style functions to be used by
applications. A cpp file is provided in the SDK which implements the more than 100
functions that constitute the SVGigE API. The cpp file forwards function calls from the
software application to the corresponding functions that are contained in the API-DLL
module. For this purpose the DLL modules will be loaded once when the first function
call arrives in the API.
The chosen programming interface of the API-DLL module is the least common
denominator which should ensure a broad applicability of the DLL module in most
programming environments that can compile C code. Three example applications are
currently provided that comprise the Borland C++ Builder 6 environment, the
Microsoft VisualStudio 6 as well as the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 environments.
The example applications show how to get a handle on a camera in the own network,
how to adjust settings like frame rate and exposure time as well as how to receive the
image data stream by a callback function in the application. For demonstration
purposes the image data stream is being displayed on screen as a live image from the
selected camera.
Windows x64 support
The SVGigE SDK supports 64 Bit platforms. All functions in the SVGigE API apply to
x64 platforms in the same way as they do for Win32 platforms.
Although win32 applications like SVCapture.exe are also supported on x64 platforms
in the compatibility mode, there exists a set of runtime components that run natively
on x64 platforms:
– a filter driver for high-performance image streaming
– a transport layer DLL for the SVGigE driver
– a transport layer DLL based on Winsock
– the SVGigE API DLL used by camera applications
– a sample application using all listed components