Manual 18-ccTalk
Version 0.6
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1. Introduction
The Flow hopper is a new and innovative addition to the Suzo-Happ range of hoppers. This through
hole hopper has been re-engineered and the result is an improvement over existing hoppers in it's
performance. The Flow hopper is suitable for many application such as: Vending, Parking, Change,
Amusement and Gaming machines. Made from extremely strong, wearing resistant plastics in
combination with state of the art electronics resulting in low cost of ownership.
The Flow hopper is available in two interfaces. Standard parallel interface or ccTalk serial interface.
Supplied with standard quick-fit and release plate.
Compatible with other popular hopper devices.
One configuration for euro coins. 10ct to 2 euro coins.
Disk can reach a payout speed of 7 coins per second for euro's.
3 different cup extensions. Small medium and large.
Reliable through hole coin disk design.
Clean design no external wires run for level sensors.
Integrated fall tube for simple dual hopper cabinet construction.
CcTalk compatible. Non encrypted and encrypted modes.
Power supply 12-24V.
Full bridge Mos-Fet motor drive.
Pulse Width Modulated (20kHz) motor control giving:
constant pay out speed control.
low motor start-up current, prevents systems power-dips.
Continuous opto sensor check.
High sensitive opto sensor
Anti-jam operation prevents hopper blocking.
Low level sense are standard on the Flow hopper.
Hi level sense are optional on the Flow hopper.
CcTalk interface and standard 10pin connector.
Competitively priced.