Manual 18-ccTalk
Version 0.6
Page 11
Request comms revision (header 004)
Command : 03 00 01 04 F8
Response: 01 06 03 00 31 33 32 2D 49 54 96
The 6 bytes(31 33 32 2D 49 54)
in the response have the following meaning:
[ccTalk level] [major revision] [minor revision] [configuration]. In our example: 1 3 2
– I T (dipswitch 8
OFF, MC encrypted) and 1 3 2 - M C (dipswitch 8 ON, ITA serial).
Request comms status variables (header 002)
Command : 03 00 01 02 FA
Response: 01 03 03 00 00 00 00 F9
The 3 data bytes
(00 00 00)
in the response have the following meaning:
[rx timeouts] [rx bytes ignored] [rx bad checksums]
This data can be used to test the quality and load of a ccTalk network.
Clear comms variables (header 003)
Command : 03 00 01 03 F9
Response: 01 00 03 00 FC
This command is used to reset the comms status variables to 0.
Reset device (header 001)
Command : 03 00 01 01 FB
Response: 01 00 03 00 FC
After the hopper receives this command, the hopper takes the following actions:
- first, save all counter data in EEProm (if data has changed, this will take up to 90ms)
- then, send an ACK message to the host
- finally, perform a software reset (about 40 ms)
During software resetting (can take up to 130ms) the hopper will not respond to commands.
After sending a reset command, wait at least 100ms before generating a receive timeout (followed
by a retransmission). The ACK from the hopper may be delayed for 90ms in case data has to be
saved. For all other commands the receive timeout is 25 ms.
After the reset, all hopper variables (including status flags) will be reset to their default values.
A power-up reset (hardware reset) takes about 630 ms, during which the hopper will not respond to
any commands.
Request Manufacturer id (header 246)
Command : 03 00 01 F6 06
Response: 01 09 03 00 53 75 7A 6F 2D 48 61 70 70 8C
The data bytes in the response (
53 75 7A 6F 2D 48 61 70 70)
give the manufacturer:
. Remember that the header byte in the response, here 00, means that an ACK is received.
Request Equipment Category id (header 245)
Command : 03 00 01 F5 07
Response: 01 06 03 00 50 61 79 6F 75 74 74
The data bytes in the response (
50 61 79 6F 75 74
) stand for