Accubar SDI-12 Barometric Pressure Sensor Operations & Maintenance Manual Rev-B 30 Nov 2017
pg. 38
8. Troubleshooting and Maintenance
The following checklist will help in troubleshooting problems:
Possible Cause
No data
Faulty wiring -- check all wiring and terminations
No power -- check fuse in the data recorder and power at sensor. There is
no fuse in the sensor itself.
Wrong address requested -- make sure the data recorder is set up to request
data at the proper address
Wrong address set in sensor -- use the identify command to make sure the
sensor is responding to the proper address.
Command or address is wrong case -- all ACCUBAR
commands are capital
letters, make sure address is proper case and commands are upper case.
With RS-232, make sure that Transmit and Receive Data are not reversed.
Garbled data
Multiple sensors set to the same address -- check address settings of all SDI
sensors. Remove all other sensors from the recorder and add them one at a
time. Communication is defined to be 1200, E, 7, 1.
Command issued to a wild card address (* or ?). Remove all other sensors
from the recorder and try again.
Erroneous data
Wrong units selected -- use the M command and look at the units field.
Verify that the desired units are selected.
Erroneous offset entered -- display the elevation offset using the M3
command and verify it. Re-calibrate the offset.
Erroneous user scale and offset entered -- display the user scale and offset
using the M3 command and verify.
Typical maintenance for the sensor consists of checking the wiring to make sure it is not corroded or
frayed, checking the tubing to make sure it is intact and leak-free, and checking or setting the elevation
Maintenance should be performed at least every year in order to insure that the sensor meets the
accuracy specifications.