c/ Take your dog from a holding area to the boundary so that the warning sound
activates and with an inquisitive tone of voice say "LISTEN". Allow a few seconds for
your dog to pay attention to the warning sound and then growl a loud "NO" while
simultaneously pointing to the Training Flags (or whatever other visual marker eg.
: If you cannot hear the warning sound then look toward the Status
Light which flashes yellow when the signal is detected.
d/ Promptly and firmly guide your dog back to a safe area where the collar does not
activate and tell your dog to sit and stay. Reward your dog's good response. If
possible, or appropriate, use the same safe area for all this training.
e/ Take your dog to different parts of the boundary and repeat steps c and d for no
more than 10 minutes. As training progresses you should quicken the response time
you require from your dog. If your dog is inclined to escape at specific locations, then
repeat training at those locations more frequently.
f/ At the end of the session, take your dog back to a holding area and ensure there is
no access to the boundary between sessions.
6/ During the first half of day two repeat step 5. Over these two days you should aim to
follow this training pattern 30~50 times total. The repetition is important to achieve a quick
back-away response when your dog initially feels the correction.
7/ Half way through day two switch the Correction setting from TRAIN to AUTO. Allow your
dog freedom to roam the containment area on its own. Monitor your dog’s behaviour while
remaining out of sight. When your dog experiences its first correction it should run back to
the safe area as per your training. Immediately praise your dog for this correct response.
Training is now complete.
8/ If your dog runs through the boundary, immediately remove the collar and check the
Status Light. If it flashes GREEN, your dog felt the correction but didn’t back off. Switch the
collar OFF. Bring your dog back to the safe area. Switch the collar ON and set correction to
MAX. Put the collar back on your dog and continue watchful. If the Status Light flashes
BLUE, your dog felt nothing. Re-read page 17 and correct the issue before trying again.
: Once your dog has experienced a correction, DO NOT perform this training again.
General Training Principles and Procedures:
Train with minimal external distractions such as other dogs, family members, etc.
Try to keep the training upbeat so your dog doesn't get bored.
Always finish a training session on a positive note.
When praising or reprimanding first get your dog's attention and keep eye contact.
Dogs respond to tone of voice. Verbal corrections should be given with a loud deep
growl in your voice. Praise should be given in an upbeat happy voice.