Collar Assembly
Always use the collar fabric supplied. Other materials can
cause damage or interfere with the correction.
Adjust the collar size to fit your dog. You should be able to
comfortably insert two fingers under the collar without it
feeling loose. Mark the position of the buckle and remove
collar off your dog. Fasten the buckle again according to
your mark, then position the collar receiver diagonally
opposite as illustrated. Screw on the probes finger-tight.
After a few days on your dog, check to ensure the fit and
probe-length are comfortable.
When you have the right collar position, we recommend you apply Sureguard Threadlocker
to reduce the likelihood of the probes working loose. This is included in your Starter Kit.
Before commencing, read the full instructions on the bottle of Threadlocker Fluid. If you
have a puppy, you may want to delay this step while your puppy is still growing.
Follow these instructions (as illustrated):
1/ Place a 1mm to 2mm drop of Threadlocker onto just the
of one screw.
important to avoid excess liquid running down the thread.
2/ Attach the probe just finger tight.
3/ Repeat step 1 & 2 for the second probe.
: When disassembling, a little resistance is normal but if the probes are locked, do not
force off with a tool - call Sureguard for advice.