6. Enable IP Access Control:
Check this box to enable the function of IP Access
Control. This function is used to limit user access to the network by identifying them
by their IP addresses. (This function is available to the LAN interface only.)
7. Default Policy:
When item#6 (-IP Access Control) set to "enabled," you can select
either "accept" or "drop", allowing access or denying access according to pre-de-
fi ned rules. (
: If this option is set to "drop," and you do not have a set of rules
that will accept the internet connection, then the internet connection over LAN is
impossible. In this case, you need to change your security settings via modem or by
disabling the IP Access Control.)
8. Rule#:
Enter a rule number in the box for a command (or commands) that will be
used by the IP Access Control.
9. IP/Mask:
Enter the IP Address or an IP Address Range for which the command(s)
will be applied.
10. Policy:
This item instructs the IPMI what to do with the matching packages.
The sequence or the order of the rules is important. The rules are checked
in the ascending order until a rule matches. All rules below the matching one will be
ignored. The default policy applies if no matching rules are found.)
11. Append:
Select this option to add IP Address/Mask, rules or commands to the
existing ones.
12. Insert:
Select this option to insert IP Address/Mask, rules or commands to the
existing ones.
13. Replace:
Select this option to replace an old IP Address/Mask, rule or command
with a new one.
14. Delete:
Select this option to delete (a part of) an existing IP Address/Mask, rule
or command.
15. User Blocking:
This window allows you to set the conditions how a user is
16. Max. Number of Failed Logins:
Enter the maximum number of failed attempts
or failed logins allowed for a user. If the number of failed logins or attempts exceeds
this maximum number allowed, the user will be blocked from system.
If this box is left empty, the user is allowed to try to login to the server infi nitely.
For network security, this is not recommended.
17. Block Time (Minutes):
Enter the number of minutes allowed for a user to at-
tempt to login. If the user fails to login within this time allowed, the user will be
blocked from system.
If this box is left empty, the user is allowed to try to login to the server infi nitely.
For network security, this is not recommended.