To Log In
Once you are connected to the remote server, the following Log In screen
1. Type in your Username in the "Username" box.
2. Type in your Password in the "Password" box and click on "Login."
: The default username is ADMIN. The default password is ADMIN.)
3. The Home Page will display as follows:
: KVM-over-LAN is available on the AOC-SIMLC+ only. All features and options
related to the functionality of KVM-over-LAN are supported by the AOC-SIMLC+ only.
In addition, KVM-over-LAN is not supported by the following motherboards:
1. X7DA8/X7DAE
2. X7DVL-3/X7DVL-i
To Access the SIMLC/SIMLC+ Card from a Computer
1. Choose a computer that is connected to the same network and open the
2. Type in the IP address of each server that you want to connect in the ad-
dress bar in your browser.
3. Once the connection is made, the Log In screen as shown below displays.
To Access the SIMLC/SIMLC+ Card from a Computer Using the
H8QM3-2(+)/H8QMi-2(+) Motherboards
A. Using the Onboard LAN1 Connection
1. Choose a computer that is connected to the same network and open the
IPMIView utility.
2. Go to File>New>System. Type System Name, IP Address of LAN1, Descrip-
tion in the appropriate blanks and press the <Enter> key.
3. Select the system from the IPMI Domain. Type the Login ID and Password in
the appropriate blanks to log into the IPMIView utility.