SuperServer E100-9W-H/E/L/C User's Manual
OS Timer / BIOS Timer
These options appear if Watch Dog (above) is enabled. This is a timed delay in seconds,
before a system power down or reset after a BIOS or operating system failure is detected.
Enter the value in seconds.
ASF Sensors Table
Enable this feature for the ASF Sensor Table to be added into the ASF! ACPI table. The
options are
and Enabled.
Secure Erase Configuration
Secure Erase mode
Select Real to securely erase a solid state drive. The options are
and Real.
Force Secure Erase
Select Enabled to force a secure erase of the solid state drive on the next boot. The options
and Enabled.
OEM Flags Settings
MEBx hotkey Pressed
Use this feature to specify whether the MEBx hotkey should be enabled during the system
boot. The options are
and Enabled.
MEBx Selection Screen
Use this feature to select the type of MEBx selection screen. Press 1 to enter the ME
Configuration screen and 2 to initiate a remote connection. Network access must be
activated for a remote connection. The options are
and Enabled.
Hide Unconfigure ME Confirmation Prompt
Use this feature to hide the unconfigure ME confirmation prompt. The options are
and Enabled.
MEBx OEM Debug Menu Enable
Use this feature to enable or disable the OEM debug menu in MEBx. The options are
and Enabled.
Unconfigure ME
Use this feature to reset the MEBx password to default. The options are