Superior Signal Company LLC AccuTrak
User’s Manual
© 2015
The AccuTrak
VPE is probably one of the most versatile test instruments
you can own. Keep in mind that ultrasonic sound is generally produced by
Friction, Arcing, and Turbulence (F A T). Therefore any pressurized gas,
vacuum, moving machinery, or electrical system can be tested. Use your
imagination, and you will find many additional uses to save time, prevent
failures, and save money using the Superior AccuTrak
Electrical Arcing
A jump in electrical current or Arc, will make a popping, frying, or buzzing
noise in the ultrasonic range. The AccuTrak
VPE can be used to locate
electrical failures which are causing a decline in power quality. Use to test
circuit breakers, buss bars, relays, corrosion in contacts, or poor insulation.
Warning: Be careful, and use common sense around electrical currents! Use
the plastic waveguide, and keep at a safe distance!
Leaking ducts can be a significant source of energy loss. The AccuTrak
VPE can be used to identify the sound of air leaking from a pressurized duct
Pneumatics and Hydraulics
Leaks are quite common in pneumatic systems (controls, hoses, tools,
fittings). The AccuTrak
VPE can easily find the rushing sound of the leak.
Small hydraulic leaks can be difficult to find, but the AccuTrak
VPE will allow
you to hear these leaks with ease. When testing for hydraulic leaks use the
yellow waveguide to prevent any fluid from entering the sensor. Internal
hydraulic leaks can be easily identified using the Touch Probe accessory.
Bearings, Valves, Steam Traps & Mechanical Systems
Listen to the internal sound of bearings, valves, and other mechanical systems
using the Touch Probe accessory (not applicable to the VPE-GN). With just a
little practice, the AccuTrak
VPE will help you to easily identify bad bearings,
internally leaking valves, and bad steam traps. Troubleshoot expansion
valves in just 5 to 10 minutes! Save money by identifying a bad steam trap in
seconds. Hear if gas or liquid is leaking past a “closed” valve. While many
Plant Maintenance applications are better done with the more advanced
instruments, the VPE can provide a basic solution for small
operators with even the most limited budgets. For more advanced
applications please ask about the AccuTrak
VPE-1000, the AccuTrak
VPE-2000, and the AccuTrak