All models :
Drill four holes using a 8mm
masonry bit to a depth of 42mm in the posi-
tions shown in figure 11. If the fireplace con-
figuration does not allow the exact layout
given, the eyebolts should be positioned as
close to the correct layout as possible.
Before finally fitting cables, ensure the self
adhesive sealing strips are in position on the
back of the appliance frame. The fireframe
must be sealed evenly to the fireplace opening
all around the periphery.
Thread the tensioning cables through the
holes in the top of the firebox, then the eye-
lets, and finally through the lower holes in the
back of the firebox, as shown in figure 12.
Note : The burner must be removed as per relevant section to gain access to the cable adjusters.
Push the appliance back into the fireplace, centralise, and pull the loose tensioning cables through the
holes into the firebox. You may need to temporarily adjust the outlet deflector at this point as
described in section 11.0 of these instructions. Thread the tensioner bolts onto the cables, with the
nuts screwed down close to the tensioner head. Slide the screwed nipple onto the cable, pull cable
tight, and tighten nipple.
The tension of the cable may now be adjusted by using a suitable spanner on the tensioner nuts to
pull the appliance tightly against the fireplace opening. Visually inspect the seal and reseat if necessary.
Do not cut off excess cable. Surplus cable must not be cut off, as it will be impossible to refit the fire after servicing. Coil up the surplus
cable, and locate at rear of firebox as shown in figure 13. If running a concealed gas supply, ensure grommets are secure around incom-
ing pipes.
Important Note: Check the thermocouple nut connection into the rear of the valve is secure.
Temporarily fit the burner unit and ensure a suitable gas route can be achieved. Purge the gas supply thoroughly to remove air and
dirt/debris before connection. Disconnect the inlet restrictor elbow from the inlet pipe.
Connect the previously installed gas supply to inlet restrictor elbow. Place the burner unit into the firebox making sure that the rear
lugs locate properly on to the ledge in the firebox. Fit the two securing screws through the burner legs to secure the assembly. Re-fit
the restrictor elbow to the inlet pipe of the appliance.
Please see the relevant section of the user instructions.
All models :
Remove all protective film and packaging material before fitting.
One piece frame models :
The appliance is supplied with a one piece decorative frame that
is attached to the front of the firebox with the magnets provided. Position the firefront in front
of the burner.
Three piece frame models :
The clip-on frame pieces should be hooked over the outer
edges of the fireframe, (figure 14), and pushed firmly home. The sides should be fixed first, fol-
lowed by the top bar, which overlaps the sides. Push firmly home.
IMPORTANT : Due to the possibility of sharp edges, care should be taken when
handling the three-piece frame components. The use of protective gloves is strong-
ly recommended.
Casona models :
Remove the decorative frame from it’s protective packaging. The frame is
supplied with pre attached magnets. Simply place the frame onto the front of the firebox. The
control cover is retained onto the frame with two hooks.
Cast frame models :
Remove the decorative frame from it’s protective packaging. The frame is retained onto the firebox with a mount-
ing bracket at the top of the frame and three magnets on each leg of the frame.
Turn on and test the gas supply up to the fire for any leaks, in accordance with current edition of BS6891.
When the appliance is first used, protective oils coating the firebox may burn off. It is advisable to ventilate the room during this period
for at least one hour.
2011 Focal Point Fires plc.
. 250 mm
. 350 mm
. 60 mm
All dims ±10mm
Figure 11
Figure 12
Radiant model shown
Figure 13
Figure 14