Bin Control
The bin control is used to shut the machine off when the bin fills with ice. The bin control must be
checked upon installation or initial start-up and when performing maintenance. Adjustments are
not covered under warranty. There is one bin switch for each evaporator. The actuator arm of the
bin switch comes in contact with the splash curtain. When the bin is full of ice, the splash curtain is
held open when ice drops off of the evaporator. This releases the
pressure of the bin switch actuator arm allowing the switch to open.
Undercounter machines: A thermostatic bin control is used on the
undercounter models. The bin thermostat is located in the control box
with a capillary tube, which is in a brass thermo-well mounted to the
right side of the water trough.
When ice comes in contact with the capillary tube thermo-well, the bin
thermostat opens and the machine will shut off.
Bin Control Adjustment
All Models (Except Undercounter Models): Check the bin switch for
proper adjustment by swinging the bottom of the curtain away from the
evaporator. Slowly bring the curtain towards the evaporator. The switch
should close when the bottom edge of the curtain is even with the outer
edge of the water trough. Adjust the switch by loosening the nuts that
hold the switch in place. Move the switch to the proper position and
retighten the nuts. Recheck the adjustment. Adjustments are not
covered under warranty.
Undercounter Models
The Bin Thermostat used on these Self Contained Ice Cuber Machines is
a sensitive device influenced by ambient conditions including altitude
and temperature. The machine is set up to operate properly at the
factory for 70°F at sea level. If your ice machine shuts off early, bin half
full, or doesn’t shut off, bin overflowing, please follow these instructions
to set the bin thermostat.
© Supera
September 2015