Be in charge.
Super B.
Bistable Relay
20 Nm
13 Nm
Figure 10. Securing the terminal covers
4.6.2. Connecting a single Li-ion battery to the load/charger with a normal relay
Ensure you have completed all the previous steps described in chapter 4.5 before
connecting the battery to the load/charger.
1. Slide the terminal covers over the connection wires.
2. Connect the terminal of the battery to the terminal of the relay (see figure 11):
TE EV250: Connect the (+) terminal of the battery to the (+) terminal of the relay.
GIGAVac GX14 / GX16 series: Connect the (+) terminal of the battery to the A2 terminal of the relay.
3. Connect the load / charger to the terminal of the relay:
TE EV250: Connect the load or charger to the A- terminal of the relay.
GIGAVac GX14 / GX16 series: Connect the load or charger to the A1 terminal of the relay.
4. Connect the - terminal of the battery. Do not connect the - terminal first as this may lead to short
circuits (see figure 12).
5. Ensure both contacts are tightened to 20Nm and the contacts for the normal relay:
TE EV250: 8,8 to 11 Nm
GIGAVac GX14: 14 to 20 Nm
GIGAVac GX16: 23 to 34 Nm
6. Place the terminal covers over the terminals (see figure 12).