Section 3
Understanding VR2 Controller Display
Indicates that the wheelchair is locked. To unlock the wheelchair,
deflect the joystick forwards until the control system chirps. Then deflect the joystick in reverse until
the control system chirps. Release the joystick, there will be a long beep. The wheelchair is now unlocked.
To lock the wheelchair, while the control system is switched on, depress and hold the on/off button.
After 1 second, the control system will chirp. Now release the on/off button, deflect the joystick forwards
until the control system chirps, and deflect the joystick in reverse until the control system chirps. Release
the joystick, there will be a long beep. The wheelchair is now locked.
This indicates that the chair is charging via on-board charger. The chair will be ready to drive as soon as
the charger is unplugged.
This indicates the battery level and that all is well and chair is ready to drive.
Indicates the wheelchair batteries are being charged with the offboard charger. You will not be able to drive the
wheelchair until the charger is disconnected and you have reset the control system by switching off the
power and then powering up again.
The control system has "gone to sleep" because the wheelchair has not been driven for a period of time.
The time period depends on the programming of the system. To re-start, reset the system by switching
off the power and then powering up again.
Make sure the Joystick is completely released. The control system safety circuits have been activated and the control
system has been prevented from moving the wheelchair. This indicates a system trip, i.e. the VR2 has detected a problem
somewhere in the wheelchair's electrical system. Please refer to Section 3 (VR2 Controller Diagnostics).
3.1 The Speed/Profile Indicator Ripples Up and Down
3.2 The Speed Indicator Flashes
3.3 Battery Gauge is Steady
3.4 Battery Indicator Ripples up and off.
3.5 Battery Gauge Blinks Once Every 2.5 Seconds
3.6 Battery Gauge Flashes Rapidly