5.6 Driving on a slope
Your wheelchair has been designed and tested to
allow its use on slopes or gradients of up to 7.5°
(13%) in standard configuration.
Elevating, tilting and leg rest adjustments can affect the
wheelchair center of gravity. Under certain conditions this
might cause instability that could lead to unintentional
tipping. It may be necessary to carry out a risk assessment if
the wheelchair is adjusted to extremes.
Stopping distances on slopes can be significantly longer than
on level ground.
• In certain circumstances your wheelchair could become
• Before attempting to climb or descend a slope or a curb,
caution should be taken when using weight shift options
(e.g. powered
recline) of the seat and/or your
body for a
counter balance weight.
• To improve stability lean forward when driving uphill, with
the seat and back in an upright position.
• Alternatively sit in an upright position when travelling in a
forward, downhill direction and/or recline the seat
• We strongly recommend that you return the seat and back
to their home positions before attempting to climb or
descend a slope. Failure to do this may cause the
wheelchair to become unstable.
• If you are in any doubt about the capabilities of your
wheelchair on a slope then do not attempt to drive up or
down the slope/curb; try to find an alternative route.
Gradients: ascents:
• When going uphill, keep the chair moving.
• Steer by carefully moving the joystick forward making
eft and
ight adjustments as you go.
• If you have stopped on a hill, you should start slowly.
• If necessary lean forward.
Gradients: descents:
On descents, it is important not to let the wheelchair accelerate
beyond its normal level of ground speed.
• Proceed slowly down steep descents, (below the speed of
3mph/5kph) and stop if you feel anxious.
• If the chair picks up speed, center the joystick to its home
position to allow it to slow, or to stop.
• Restart slowly and do not allow the speed to increase above
what you are comfortable with.
• The solid state controller (joystick) has the benefit of a logic
system that will help compensate when driving along a
camber or up a hill. This is an added safety feature on your
wheelchair. In addition
of course, you may control the
wheelchair speed by using the speed control.
Q500M/Q400M General Manual