Quantum Rehab 600 XL Owner'S Manual Download Page 1

Owner’s  Manual

21 Healey Road • Dandenong, 3175 • Victoria, Australia • ACN# 088 609 661 • www.quantumrehab.com

Summary of Contents for 600 XL

Page 1: ...Owner s Manual 21 Healey Road Dandenong 3175 Victoria Australia ACN 088 609 661 www quantumrehab com ...

Page 2: ...border MANDATORY These actions should be performed as specified Failure to perform mandatory actions can cause injury to personnel and or damage to equipment white symbol on blue dot PROHIBITED These actions are prohibited These actions should not be performed at any time or in any circumstances Performing a prohibited action can cause injury to personnel and or damage to equipment black symbol wi...

Page 3: ...II OPERATION 34 VIII CARE AND MAINTENANCE 49 IX WARRANTY 55 C O N T E N T S Thisowner smanualiscompiledfromthelatestspecificationsandproductinformationavailableatthetimeofpublication Wereservetherighttomakechangesastheybecomenecessary Anychangestoourproductsmaycauseslightvariations betweentheillustrationsandexplanationsinthismanualandtheproductyouhavepurchased ...

Page 4: ...er or modify this product or remove or renderinoperableorunsafeanyguards shields orothersafetyfeaturesofthisproduct fail refuse orneglecttoinstallany retrofit kits from time to time provided by Pride to enhance or preserve the safe use of this product INFORMATION EXCHANGE Wewanttohearyourquestions comments andsuggestionsaboutthismanual Wewouldalsoliketohearaboutthesafety and reliability of your ne...

Page 5: ...educe the risk of leakage or explosive conditions EMI RFI This product has been tested and passed at an immunity level of 20 V m Read and follow the information in the owner s manual Maximum seating weight Locked and in drive mode Place unit on level ground and stand behind or to one side when changing from drive mode to freewheel mode or freewheel mode to drive mode Unlocked and in freewheel mode...

Page 6: ...lean and dry condition Removal of grounding prong can create electrical hazard If necessary properly install an approved 3 pronged adapter to an electrical outlet having 2 pronged plug access Failure to heed could result in personal injury and or property damage Prevent personal injury and equipment damage Do not connect an extension lead to the AC DC converter or the battery charger Disposal and ...

Page 7: ...y take your time and you will soon be in full and confident control as you manoeuvre through door ways on and off of lifts up and down ramps and over moderate terrain Belowaresomeprecautions tips andothersafetyconsiderationsthatwillhelptheuserbecomeaccustomedtooperating thepowerchairsafely Modifications Pridehasdesignedandengineeredyourpowerchairtoprovidemaximummobilityandutility Awiderangeofacces...

Page 8: ...esulting in personal injury Incline Information Moreandmorebuildingshaverampswithspecifieddegreesofinclination designedforeasyandsafeaccess Someramps may have turning switchbacks 180 degree turns that require you to have good cornering skills on your power chair Proceed with extreme caution as you approach the downgrade of a ramp or other incline Takewideswingswithyourpowerchair sfrontwheelsaround...

Page 9: ...tion 2 DiscParkBrake activatesmechanicallyafterregenerativebrakingslowsthevehicletonearstoporwhenpoweris removed from the system for any reason Cornering Information Whileyourpowerchairisequippedwithfourcasterwheels excessivelyhighcorneringspeedscanstillcreatethepossibil ityoftipping Factorswhichaffectthepossibilityoftippinginclude butarenotlimitedto corneringspeed steeringangle howsharplyyouaretu...

Page 10: ...wever Priderecognisesthattherewillbetimeswhenyouwillencounterothersurface types For this reason your power chair is designed to perform admirably on packed soil grass and gravel Feel free to use your power chair safely on lawns and in park areas Reduce your power chair s speed when driving on uneven terrain and or soft surfaces Avoidtallgrassthatcanentangletherunninggear Avoid loosely packed grave...

Page 11: ...d during transfer and causing injury WARNING Prevent personal injury and product damage Avoid putting all of your weight on the power chair armrests and do not use the armrests for weight bearing purposes such as transfers Such use may cause the power chair to tip resulting in a fall from the power chair WARNING Avoid putting all of your weight on the foot riggings Such use may cause the power cha...

Page 12: ... damage may result WARNING Always be sure your power chair and its batteries are properly secured when it is being transported Failure to do so may result in personal injury and or damage to your power chair Positioning Belts Your Quantum Rehab Specialist therapist s and other healthcare professionals are responsible for determining your requirement for a positioning belt in order to operate your ...

Page 13: ...exercisecareandcommonsensewhenoperatingapowerchair Thisincludesawarenessofsafetyissueswhen takingprescribedorover the counterdrugsorwhentheuserhasspecificphysicallimitations WARNING Consult your physician if you are taking prescribed or over the counter medication or if you have certain physical limitations Some medications and limitations may impair your ability to operate your power chair in a s...

Page 14: ...ies or components to the electrically powered mobility vehicle can increase the susceptibility of the vehicle to EMI Do not modify your power chair in any way not authorised by Pride WARNING The electrically powered mobility vehicle itself can disturb the performance of other electrical devices located nearby such as alarm systems NOTE For further information on EMI RFI go to the Resource Center o...

Page 15: ...assembly includes the armrests seatback and seat base The power base assembly includes two motor brake assemblies two drive wheels four caster wheels two batteries and wiring harnesses See figures 5 6 and 7 REAR SHROUD DRIVEWHEEL CASTERWHEEL Figure 5 The Quantum 600 XL POWERBASE ASSEMBLY SEAT ASSEMBLY JOYSTICK FOOTRIGGING FOOT PLATFORM SHOWN CONTROLLER VSI SHOWN CASTERWHEEL MANUALFREEWHEELLEVER AR...

Page 16: ...SeatPan standard SynergySeat Medium BackSeat ManualReclineHigh BackSeatwithSolidSeatPan TRU BalancePowerTilt Drivetrain Twomotor mid wheeldrive Range Up to 40 km Batteries Two12 volt NF 22batteries BatteryCharger Off board standard Electronics 75 ampFLIGHT 70 ampVSI 70 ampRemotePlus 70 ampMicrodrive WeightCapacity 181kg ComponentWeights Base 57 6 kg High BackSeatwithSolidSeatPan 18kg Batteries 16k...

Page 17: ...r connector s are located inside the power base See figure 7 Motor Connectors This is where the controller connects to the motors Battery Connector This is where the controller connects to the batteries See VII Operation Controller Connector This is where the controller connects to the power base See VII Operation Figure 6 The Quantum 600 XL Power Base MOTOR BRAKE ASSEMBLY REARSHROUDFASTENERS TRAP...

Page 18: ...nd theelectronics Ifthecircuittrips allowyourpowerchairto rest forapproximatelyoneminute Next pushinthecircuit breaker button turn on the controller and continue normal operation If the main circuit breaker continues to trip repeat edly contactyourQuantumRehabSpecialist Figure 7 Quantum 600 XL Electrical Components BATTERY CONNECTOR MAINCIRCUITBREAKER FLIGHTPOWERMODULE MOTOR CONNECTORS BATTERY CON...

Page 19: ... engage or disengage the drive motors 1 Locate the lever on top of each motor 2 Pull the two levers upward to engage the drive motors See figure 8 3 Push the two levers downward to disengage the drive motors See figure 9 Ifaleverisdifficulttomoveineitherdirection slightlyrockthepowerchairbackandforth Thelevershouldthenmoveto thedesiredposition WARNING It is important to remember that when your pow...

Page 20: ...nylon insert lock nut removed during the disassembly or adjustment of the power chair must be replaced with a new nut Nylon insert lock nuts should not be reused as it may cause damage to the nylon insert resulting in a less secure fit Replacement nylon insert lock nuts are available at local hardware stores or through your Quantum Rehab Specialist I V A S S E M B L Y ARMRESTANGLEADJUSTMENT SEAT I...

Page 21: ...lose control of the seat if they do so resulting in personal injury or damage to the chair To install the seat 1 Tilt the seat back and slide the rear extrusion onto the rear trapeze bar See figure 11 2 Lower the front extrusion onto the power seat base or front trapeze bar until the seat locks into place 3 Flip the seat latch safety down WARNING Make sure the seat latch safety is flipped down bef...

Page 22: ...22 www quantumrehab com Quantum 600 XL WIRE TIES Figure 13 VSI Controller Routed on a High Back Seat with Solid Seat Pan Figure 12 Remote Plus Controller Routed on a Synergy Seat I V A S S E M B L Y ...

Page 23: ...y adjustments TRAPEZE BARS RETAINING CLIPS SEAT POSTS Figure 15 Trapeze Bar Adjustment SEAT POSTS RETAINING CLIPS Figure 14 Seat Latch Safety Youmayneedthefollowingtomakecomfortadjustments metric standard socket set and ratchet adjustablespanner metric standard hex key set Seat Height and Seat Angle Adjustment You can change the seat height to one of four positions in 2 5 cmincrementsbyraisingthef...

Page 24: ...onsthesamenumber ofholeseitherforwardorrearwards Seefigure16 7 Fastentheextrusionsbackontothebottomoftheseat 8 Reinstalltheseat 9 Reconnectthecontrollertothepowerbase Manual Recline Seatback Adjustment If your power chair is equipped with a reclining seat you can adjust the seatback angle with the seatback release le ver The lever is located on the right side of the seat base To adjust the recline...

Page 25: ...See figure 17 2 Raise or lower the armrest to the desired height 3 Tighten the setscrews to secure the armrest V C O M F O R T A D J U S T M E N T S Figure 18 Adjusting Controller Position Synergy Seat SETSCREWS MOUNTING SCREWS Figure 19 Controller Position Underside of Armrest SETSCREW Controller Position Adjustment Youcanpositionthecontrollerforeitherleft handorright handuse WARNING Do not place...

Page 26: ...tforminorouttothedesireddepth 3 Reinstallthequickreleasefastenersintothefootplatform bracketandtighten Quick Release Fasteners The foot platform is attached to the power base with two quick release fasteners See figure 20 Each quick release fastener consists of a bolt a lever and a nut See figure 21 The lever has a cam on the end that allows it to clamp into place The quick release fastenerhastwos...

Page 27: ... the two adjustment screws from the back of eachfootrestextension 2 Slide the footrest up or down to the desired length 3 Reinstallthetwoadjustmentscrews Elevating Leg Rests ElevatingLegRests ELRs offeraninfiniterangeofadjust ment for the leg angle and a footrest adjustment range of 30 5 48 25 cm See figure 23 To rotate the ELRs 1 Push in release leverA 2 Rotate the ELRs To adjust the ELR angle 1 ...

Page 28: ...sion 2 Slide the leg rest up or down to the desired length 3 Aligntheadjustmentholesinthelegrestextensionand reinstalltheadjustmentscrews Multi Axis Foot Plates Themulti axisfootplateassemblycanbeinstalledoneither a swing away footrest or an elevating leg rest The multi axisfootplatehasfouradjustments legrestlength A po sition B tilt C and angle D See figure 25 To change leg rest length A 1 Remove...

Page 29: ...ltabintotheplastichous ing on the opposite strap until you hear a click 2 Pull the strap until it is secure but not so tight as to causediscomfort MANDATORY Prevent personal injury Make sure the positioning belt is properly secured to the power chair and is adjusted for operator comfort before each use MANDATORY Prevent personal injury and product damage Inspect the positioning belt for loose or d...

Page 30: ...automotive type battery charger WARNING Prevent injury and or equipment damage Read the battery charging instructions in this manual and in the manual supplied with the battery charger before charging the batteries WARNING Prevent injury and or equipment damage Do no expose the off board battery charger to rain or other sources of moisture unless it has been tested for outdoor use Refer to the man...

Page 31: ...ieswilltopoffat100 chargeandlastforanextendedperiod FrequentlyAsked Questions FAQs Howdoesthechargerwork Thebatterychargertakesthestandardwalloutletvoltage alternatingcurrent andconvertsitto24VDC directcurrent The power chair batteries use direct current to run your power chair When the battery voltage is low the charger works harder to charge the battery As the battery voltage approaches full cha...

Page 32: ...hemicals contained in batteries Use only AGM or Gel Cell batteries to reduce the risk of leakage or explosive conditions Whydomynewbatteriesseemweak Deep cyclebatteriesemployamuchdifferentchemicaltechnologythanthatusedincarbatteries nickel cadmium nicads or in other common battery types Deep cycle batteries are specifically designed to provide power drain down their charge and then accept a relati...

Page 33: ...argethebatteriespriortostorage Disconnect thebatteryharnessesandstorethepowerchairinawarm dryenvironment Avoidtemperatureextremes suchasfreezing and excessively hot conditions and never attempt to charge a frozen battery Acold or frozen battery should be warmed for several days prior to recharging Whataboutpublictransport AGMandGel Cellbatteriesaredesignedforapplicationinpowerchairsandothermobilit...

Page 34: ...troller program can affect speed acceleration deceleration and braking If it is programmed incorrectly or outside of the safe limits as determined by your healthcare professional it can create a dangerous situation Only the power chair manufacturer an authorised representative of the manufacturer or a trained service technician should program the controller The FLIGHT consists of 1 joystick 2 keyp...

Page 35: ...llow the joystick to return to the neutral position then turn on the controller All LEDs Flashing Quickly The FLIGHT has detected a fault Refer to the Error Code table Lock Mode The FLIGHT controller is equipped with a feature that enables you to lockout unauthorised users To lock the FLIGHTcontroller 1 While the power is on press and hold the on off key for 2 seconds The display will turn off imm...

Page 36: ...yshutoffthemain powerifthejoystickisnotmovedinanydirectionforaperiodoftime Thistimefactorisprogrammedintothecontroller To restore power and continue push any key on the keypad Error Codes The battery condition meter will flash error codes when the FLIGHT controller detects an abnormal condition is the electricalsystem AllofthebatteryconditionmeterLEDswillflashanumberoftimesquickly thenpause thenfl...

Page 37: ...gram can affect speed acceleration deceleration and braking If it is programmed incorrectly or outside of the safe limits as determined by your healthcare professional it can create a dangerous situation Only the power chair manufacturer an autho rised representative of the manufacturer or a trained service technician should program the controller Figure 29 VSI Controller The VSI consists of 1 joy...

Page 38: ...I operational and electrical system OK NOTE When the batteries approach a discharged state the first red light will begin to slowly flash remind ing you the batteries need to be charged immediately Rapid flash of lights Indicates a fault in the VSI or the electrical system Refer to VSI Error Codes Ripple side to side of lights The joystick was not in the neutral position when the controller was tu...

Page 39: ...tick to the full forward position until the VSI beeps 3 Pull the joystick to the full rearward position until the VSI beeps 4 Release the joystick There should be a long beep 5 The VSI is now unlocked NOTE If the above procedure fails to either lock or unlock the VSI contact your Quantum Rehab Specialist Off board Charger Programming Socket Theoff boardcharger programmingsocketislocatedonthefronto...

Page 40: ...ormalconditions Thetablebelowidentifies theindividualerrorcodes Errorcodesaredisplayedasarapidflashingofthebatteryconditionmeterlights Ifyougetone of these error codes contact your Quantum Rehab Specialist FLASHING LIGHTS DIAGNOSIS AND SOLUTION 1 The batteries need charging or there is a bad connection to the batteries Check the connections to the batteries If the connections are good try charging...

Page 41: ...onal it can create a dangerous situation Only the power chair manufacturer an authorised repre sentative of the manufacturer or a trained service technician should program the controller 1 2 3 4 Figure 31 Remote Plus Controller The Remote Plus consists of the following 1 joystick 2 keypad 3 controllercommunicationscable 4 off boardcharger programmingsocket Joystick Thejoystickcontrolsthedirectiona...

Page 42: ...rse direction The chair will re sume operation at the selected speed Figure 32 Remote Plus Keypad NOTE We recommend that the first few times you operate your power chair you have your speed on the slowest setting until you become familiar with your new power chair Horn Key The horn key activates the horn Battery Condition Meter Thebatteryconditionmeterisa10 segmentilluminateddisplaylocatedinfronto...

Page 43: ...ingsocketislocatedonthefrontoftheRemotePlus Ifyouuseanoff boardcharger the charger current should not exceed 8 amps Contact your Quantum Rehab Specialist for more information WARNING Only chargers with Neutrik NC3MX plugs should be connected to the off board charger programming socket See your Quantum Rehab Specialist for more information NOTE Changes to the programming can only be made by your Qu...

Page 44: ...w identifies the individual error codes probable causes and possible solutions If you get one of these error codes contact your Quantum Rehab Specialist FLASHING LIGHTS DIAGNOSIS SOLUTION 10 High Battery Voltage Check batteries 9 Solenoid Brake Fault Check motor brake wiring 8 Possible Controller Fault See Quantum Rehab Specialist 7 Possible Joystick Fault See Quantum Rehab Specialist 6 InhibitAct...

Page 45: ... controller program can affect speed acceleration deceleration and braking If it is programmed incorrectly or outside of the safe limits as determined by your healthcare professional it can create a dangerous situation Only the power chair manufacturer an authorised representative of the manufacturer or a trained service technician should program the controller Figure 33 Microdrive Controller with...

Page 46: ...eneutralpositionwhenthecontrollerwasturnedon Ifyou get rippleupanddownoflights turnoffthecontroller allowthejoysticktoreturntotheneutralposition thenturnon thecontroller NOTE If you still get ripple up and down of lights contact your Quantum Rehab Specialist NOTE When the batteries approach a discharged state the first red light will begin to slowly flash reminding you the batteries need to be cha...

Page 47: ...nary foraperiodoffiveminutes Thebatteryconditionmeterwillindicatesleepmodebyblinkingonceeveryfiveseconds To restore power and resume operation of the chair flip the on off switch twice Thermal Rollback TheMicrodrivecontrollerisequippedwithathermalrollbackcircuitwhichmonitorsthetemperatureofthechair smotors and controller If either exceeds 50 C 122 F the controller reduces the motor voltage by 5 vo...

Page 48: ...lt SeeQuantumRehabSpecialist 7 Possible Joystick Fault SeeQuantumRehabSpecialist 6 InhibitActive Unplugcharger Checkconnections 5 RightMotorWiringFault Checkrightmotorwiring 4 RightMotorDisconnected Checkrightmotorwiring 3 LeftMotorWiringFault Checkleftmotorwiring 2 LeftMotorDisconnected Checkleftmotorwiring 1 LowBatteryVoltage Checkbatteries batterywiring V I I O P E R A T I O N ...

Page 49: ... chair to your Quantum Rehab Specialist Temperature Some of the parts of your power chair are susceptible to extreme changes in temperature Always keep your power chair between the temperatures of 8 C 18 F and 50 C 122 F In extremely cold temperatures the batteries may freeze The specific temperature at which they freeze depends on a number of factors such as battery charge usage and composition o...

Page 50: ...ab Specialist for replacement of the tube Calibratethejoystickifanoticeabledifferenceinperformanceisdetectedorifthejoystickdoesnotoperateproperly To calibrate the joystick power off the unit place the joystick in the neutral position and power the unit back on If aproblemstillexistswithyourjoystick sperformance contactyourQuantumRehabSpecialist Check the brakes This test should be carried out on a...

Page 51: ...ws it to be easily wiped clean with a damp cloth WARNING Never use any chemicals to clean a vinyl seat as they may cause the seat to become slippery or dry out and crack Use soapy water and dry the seat thoroughly Tyre Wheel Replacement If you have pneumatic tyres and you have a flat tyre you can replace the tube If your chair is equipped with a solid tyre insert then you must replace the whole wh...

Page 52: ... this manual and the manual supplied with the battery charger for recommended type and capacities To replace the batteries 1 Turn off power to the controller 2 Make sure that the power chair is in drive mode See III Your Power Chair 3 Loosen the rear shroud fasteners and remove the rear shroud 4 Disconnect the battery harness from the rear battery 5 Remove the retaining clips and lift the front co...

Page 53: ...Quantum 600 XL www quantumrehab com 53 BATTERYWIRINGDIAGRAMLABEL V I I I C A R E A N D M A I N T E N A N C E Figure 37 Battery Installation REARSHROUDFASTENERS REARSHROUD FRONT BATTERY REAR BATTERY ...

Page 54: ...Frayed harnesses Cracked or broken connectors Uneven wear on any of the tyres Jerkymotion Pullingtooneside Bent or broken wheel assemblies Does not power up Powers up but does not move Corrective Maintenance If the battery condition meter does not light up when you turn on the power Check the harness connections Make sure they are tight Check the circuit breaker Reset it if necessary Check the bat...

Page 55: ...arantee does not extend to those items which may need replacement due to normal wear and tear tyres belts bulbs upholstery plastic shrouds motor brushes fuses and batteries or damage to the product caused by misuse or accident for which Pride or its agent cannot be held responsible This warranty does not include labour or service calls BATTERIES Batteriesarecoveredbyatwelve 12 monthwarrantyfromthe...

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Page 59: ...eck marks indicate that it has been tested driven and inspected 1 In Quality QualityControl Quantum600XL Pride keeps a more detailed report on file at the factory Date Inspected Inspector Product Serial INFMANU3255 FitandFinish Joystick Serial Number Controller Serial Number Inclusion of all Parts Left Motor Serial Number Right Motor Serial Number Performance ...
