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This determines the sensor that is used to measure the return temperature.
Settings range: S1-S8, VFS1-2, Aktiver Collector, Active storage/ Default setting: S1
6.18.2 Return Sensor
Set the type of anti freeze used. If none is used, please set to 0.
Settings range: Ethylen, Propylen / Default setting: Ethylen
6.18.3 Anti-Freeze Type
The amount of anti freeze agent in the system.
Settings range: 0-100% / Default setting: 45%
6.18.4 Glycol Perncentage
Flow rate that is used to calculate the heat quantity
This determines the fl ow rate in litres per minute that is used for the calcualtion of the heat quantity.
Settings range: 0-100 l/min (0-26 gpm) / Default setting: 5 l/min (1.3 gpm)
6.18.5 Flow Rate (X)
Correction value for temperature difference
Since for the heat meter the collector and the storage temperature are used, a difference to the fl ow respectively return flow temperature can be
compensated by changing Offset ΔT accordingly.
Displayed collector temp. 40°C (104°F), measured flow temperature 39°C (102°F), displayed storage temperature 30°C (86°F), measured return
31°C (88°F) = results in a correction value of -20% (displayed ΔT 10K, real ΔT 8K = -20% correction)
Settings range: -50 to +50% / Default setting: 0%
6.18.6 Offset ΔT
The VFS type is set here.
Settings range: Off; 1-12; 1-20; 2-40; 5-100; 10-200; 20-400 / Default setting: Off
6.18.7 VFS (X)
This setting determines the position of the VFS sensor.
Settings range: fl ow, return / Default setting: return
6.18.8 VFS Position
To prevent damage to the VFS sensor it is strongly recommended to install it into the return fl ow. If it is necessary to install in the
flow, it is imperative not to exceed the maximum temperatures of the sensor! (0° C to 100°C and -25°C to 120°C short term)