Fig.7: Fix oblique beam (J)
to corner frame (I2) by
using bolts (EE) and flat
washers (BB)
Fig.9: Attach middle beam 1
(K1) to (I2) by using by
using bolts (EE) and flat
washers (BB)
Fig.11: Attach the upper side of middle beam 2
(K2) to long top bar (I1) by using bolts (EE), flat
washers (BB)
Fig.13: Connect cover flap
(X2) to small slanted beam
(U) and fix small slanted
beam (U), cover flap 2
(X2), small top connector
(S) by using bolts (JJ), nuts
(DD), flat washers (BB)
Fig.15: Insert and screw
the hook (R) tightly into the
corresponding hole on the
small top connector (S).
Fig.6: Insert long top bar (I1) into corner frame (I2) and fix them by using bolts (AA) and flat washers (BB).
Fig.11-1: Attach the lower side
of middle beam 2 (K2) to lower
connector (F) by using bolts
(JJ), flat washers (BB), nuts
Fig.12-1: Attach netting
to middle beam 1/2 (K1/K2)
by using bolts (AA), flat
washers (BB).
Fig.12-2: Fix the other side
of netting bar 1/2/3/4
(W1/W2/W3/W4) to oblique
beam (J) by using bolts
(AA), flat washers (BB).
Fig.8:Connect cover flap 3 (X3)
to the lower end of oblique beam
(J) and fix oblique beam (J),
cover flap 3 (X3), top connector
(E) by using bolts (JJ), nuts (DD),
flat washers (BB)
Fig.10: Connect cover flap 1
(X1) to middle beam 1 (K1), and
fix cover flap 1 (X1) to middle
beam 1 (K1), lower connector
(F) by using bolts (JJ), nuts
(DD), flat washers (BB).
Fig.14: Fix small slanted
beam (U) and corner frame
(I2) by using bolts (FF), flat
washers (BB).